For Publishers

Problem Domain

The Current Paradigm

The current landscape for the dissemination of scholarly works is a qualitative mixture of disjointed repository islets fettered by a combination of restrictions hindering end-user accessibility, usability, and discoverability. Given that journals are the medium to dissemination, this landscape has inevitably led to low visibility of invaluable content, numerous inefficiencies, exorbitant costs and ultimately product failures.

Services & Solutions

Your Journal. Connected.

PSIthority is an online SaaS author-to-reader solutions platform offering a series of tiered, ancillary services in the scholarly communications ecosystem. Designed to connect your journal to the science matrix (scientific content, authors, readers, reviewers, editors, etc.) PSIthority will dramatically improve your journal's prospects for impact, brand recognition, future development and longevity.

The PSIthority Platform

A platform that works for you. A platform to partner with. Whether you have a simple website, an open source content delivery service, utilize 3rd party publishing services, own a highly customized branding platform, or have nothing at all, you are certain of one thing: building, utilizing, maintaining and/or updating this technology is extraordinarily expensive in time, money and effort. Yet even after treasure spent, these platforms typically fall short on features necessary for your raison d’être : efficient production, storage, access and dissemination of invaluable content to your readership. PSI’s R&D team has spent years analyzing thousands of platforms delivering (or failing to deliver) scholarly content. Whether realized or not, the requirements and specifications for such platforms are all from the same problem domain. Yet most have failed, to one degree or another, at implementation. Through our R&D and extensive conversations with and inputs from all communities involved, PSI has clearly identified, distilled, analyzed and developed refined sevices and solutions for this problem domain. Depending on your needs, these products provide powerful accessories, replacements, or substitutes to your current or intended platform model.


Increase your journal's visibility. Our world class SEO, recommendation algorithms, indexing services, intuitive user interface, and unparalleled categorization schemas and semantics enables PSIthority to seamlessly spotlight your journal to your targeted communities of readers using this open collaborative environment. As such, the likelihood of your journal's discovery by relevent audiences is compounded exponentially as you are no longer hamstrung by the current paradigm's multiple limitations.


From search to discovery to access. Very mixed experiences occur under the current paradigm: broken links, varied user interfaces, unknown content whereabouts, access restrictions, errant algorithms etc. These unanticipated, time-consuming experiences are an endless source of frustration for the reader. PSIthority seeks to alleviate this by enabling you, the publisher, to get this desired content in front of your readers with ease and efficiency. Whether it’s content metadata or it’s full-text, PSIthority provides the technologies to ensure your readers are no more than a click or two away from full access to your content.


Dialog, discussions and discourse are incomplete or missing altogether from the current paradigm of scholarly dissemination. PSIthority changes this. PSithority provides a medium where dialogues can occur pre-publication between authors within their working group or between the working group and reviewer(s) or at anytime post-publication between authors, readers, and reviewers.


Your readership are skeptics by nature. Build trust through transparency. PSIthority offers a number of useful additions for authors and publishers. Resources and templates for descriptions of Materials and Methods will improve reproducibility and accuracy of the data. Dataset storage linked to Results and Conclusions will improve accountability. Access to pre-publication peer reviews and changes made in the post-publication article will improve transparency and boost scientific discussion and credibility.


Content usage data in real-time. PSIthority provides analytics to your content by tracking views, downloads, discussions, peer recommendations, citations and more.

Common Sense Solutions. Technological Innovations. Your Benefit.

PSIthority's services and solutions are designed and engineered on a modular framework to provide speed, reliability, customization and scalability to facilitate your mission critical activities of content production, dissemination, communications and access.